One of our long-time supporters Ken recently shared a lovely story of a dog he adopted from us almost 15 years ago. We shared part of the story when it happened but it is well worth telling again and also what happened to her after she was adopted.

The story is of Ella, a beautiful German Pointer, who, when she was about a year old was hit over the head…twice, and left for dead. She had been buried alive starving, thirsty and in pain.  Thankfully George, who was driving a safari vehicle, looked in his rear-view mirror and saw the ground moving. He immediately stopped the truck, dug her out and brought her to our clinic where she was named Eartha, meaning Strong Faith and Firm Belief. Whie she was in the clinic being treated Ken and his late wife Helen happened to be in the clinic, hard about her and adopted her; renaming her Ella.

Ella soon settled in to her new loving home but luck wasn’t on her side and she was stolen by hunters. It must have become clear to whoever stole her that she did not have the making for a good hunting dog, and sadly all too common in Cyprus, they broke her front leg badly and just dumped her to die a horrible painful death.

Somehow Ella managed to find her way back and was rushed to the clinic given emergency surgery but sadly her injuries were so severe that she lost her leg. Ken and his wife were just so grateful that she was alive and following her recovery she was soon reunited with them where she lived a full and happy life.


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      Animal Rescue Cyprus is dedicated to preventing cruelty to animals without compromise. A registered charity, it is the oldest, largest and busiest no kill animal rescue centre in Cyprus and relies totally on donations. Scan the Paypal or Stripe QR code below to donate.

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